A project I did while I was in hype was a group project. It was about food deserts and I worked with solage and rochan. It was fun working as a group together and I leared some new things to while I was in hype.Doing this project was also getting us to work together.
Another Project I did was when School was still going. This project was a teach the teacher project. What this means is like you are the teacher for a cretain amount of time and teach the class. You Had to make a presintation and present it to the class. My presentation was about pomsky dogs. You also got to anwer question at the end. Some times you even got to do and activity. I remember anu did hers on chipotle because she loves it so much. Her activity was that three people would come up and make a chipotle burito with her. It was not real just made out of paper.
Click the photo below to see my HYPE Community Impact project I helped make while at HYPE Summer Coding Camp